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Crow Chords Print + Boom Music Theory Game Bundle

With Crow Chords Chord Building Game, we’ve made it super, duper easy for you to build chords with music students! Included in this bundle is the Crow Chords printable game and Crow Chords Bundle Boom™ Cards.

Why Your Students Will Love This: With Crow Chords Chord Building Game, we’ve made it super, duper easy for you to build chords with music students!

Levels: Beginner, Elementary, Intermediate

Pages: 26 printable game, 180 boom cards

Theory Concepts: Music Alphabet, Major Chords, Minor Chords, Diminished Chords, Augmented Chords, Seventh Chords, Sharp, Flat, Double-Sharp, Double-Flat

Product Type: bundle, downloadable, virtual

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    Why Your Students Will Love This:

    With Crow Chords Chord Building Game, we’ve made it super, duper easy for you to build chords with music students!

    Levels: Beginner, Elementary, Intermediate

    Pages: 26 printable game, 180 boom cards

    Theory Concepts: Music Alphabet, Major Chords, Minor Chords, Diminished Chords, Augmented Chords, Seventh Chords, Sharp, Flat, Double-Sharp, Double-Flat

    Product Type: bundle, downloadable, virtual