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Songbook with Chords - Magpie Melodies

This songbook with chords features all 8 of the tunes in Magpie Melodies Composition Music Game. Each song is in the Key of C, treble clef only, with chords (C, F, G7 and one D7). This songbook with chords will help your students learn tunes they enjoy and add chords for some improvisation. Studio license copy. Purchase once for your entire private studio (multi-teacher studios, contact us for additional pricing).

What's inside this Songbook with Chords

This songbook with chords features popular tunes most kids know (and if they don't know them yet, they will love them once they do!)
  • Chord Chart
  • Hot Cross Buns
  • Mary Had a Little Lamb
  • Ode to Joy
  • Rain, Rain, Go Away
  • Row, Row, Row Your Boat
  • London Bridge
  • Are You Sleeping?
  • Bridal Chorus
Additionally, this book includes...
  • Key of C only
  • Treble clef only
  • 8 measures each
  • Chords (C, F, G7 and one D7)
  • Lyrics all songs (except Bridal Chorus)
  • In a progressive order
  • Songs with basic rhythms (quarter notes, half notes) and songs with more complex rhythms (dotted quarter notes, eighth notes)
This songbook with chords comes in two formats: full color (with a vivid cover and colorful birds on each page) and print-friendly (ink-friendly cover and plain inside pages).

How to Use this Songbook with Chords

This is a studio license copy, meaning you only have to purchase once for your entire private studio for life (if you teach in a multi-teacher studio, contact us at support@musicgameclub.com for alternate pricing). If your students have been playing Magpie Melodies Composition Music Game, then they will be excited to learn all 8 pieces from the game! You can print just one song for multiple students to learn, or you can print a complete book for each student. If you teach online, you can send a digital copy to your private students for their personal use. There are many ways you can use this songbook with chords in your piano studio.
  • Teach right hand reading the treble clef & left hand playing chords
  • Use chords in root position (chord chart included)
  • Use common chord inversions (chord chart included)
  • Teach with right hand playing chord & left hand playing the root while student sings the melody
  • Teach as a duet: one student reads the treble clef, the other student plays the chords
Membership is only open twice a year. Check out our membership page here for more details.

Why Your Students Will Love This: This songbook with chords will help your students learn tunes they enjoy and add chords for some improvisation.

Read blog Post here:

Levels: Beginner

Pages: 14

Theory Concepts: Sight-Reading, C Major Chord, F Major Chord, G7 Major Chord, D7 Major Chord, Chord Symbols, Lead Sheet, 4/4 Time Signature, C Position, Basic Rhythm, Dotted Rhythm, Ledger Lines

Product Type: simple, downloadable, virtual

  • Product description

    What's inside this Songbook with Chords

    This songbook with chords features popular tunes most kids know (and if they don't know them yet, they will love them once they do!)
    • Chord Chart
    • Hot Cross Buns
    • Mary Had a Little Lamb
    • Ode to Joy
    • Rain, Rain, Go Away
    • Row, Row, Row Your Boat
    • London Bridge
    • Are You Sleeping?
    • Bridal Chorus
    Additionally, this book includes...
    • Key of C only
    • Treble clef only
    • 8 measures each
    • Chords (C, F, G7 and one D7)
    • Lyrics all songs (except Bridal Chorus)
    • In a progressive order
    • Songs with basic rhythms (quarter notes, half notes) and songs with more complex rhythms (dotted quarter notes, eighth notes)
    This songbook with chords comes in two formats: full color (with a vivid cover and colorful birds on each page) and print-friendly (ink-friendly cover and plain inside pages).
  • How to play

    How to Use this Songbook with Chords

    This is a studio license copy, meaning you only have to purchase once for your entire private studio for life (if you teach in a multi-teacher studio, contact us at support@musicgameclub.com for alternate pricing). If your students have been playing Magpie Melodies Composition Music Game, then they will be excited to learn all 8 pieces from the game! You can print just one song for multiple students to learn, or you can print a complete book for each student. If you teach online, you can send a digital copy to your private students for their personal use. There are many ways you can use this songbook with chords in your piano studio.
    • Teach right hand reading the treble clef & left hand playing chords
    • Use chords in root position (chord chart included)
    • Use common chord inversions (chord chart included)
    • Teach with right hand playing chord & left hand playing the root while student sings the melody
    • Teach as a duet: one student reads the treble clef, the other student plays the chords
  • Membership info
    Membership is only open twice a year. Check out our membership page here for more details.
  • More details

    Why Your Students Will Love This:

    This songbook with chords will help your students learn tunes they enjoy and add chords for some improvisation.

    Read blog Post here:

    Levels: Beginner

    Pages: 14

    Theory Concepts: Sight-Reading, C Major Chord, F Major Chord, G7 Major Chord, D7 Major Chord, Chord Symbols, Lead Sheet, 4/4 Time Signature, C Position, Basic Rhythm, Dotted Rhythm, Ledger Lines

    Product Type: simple, downloadable, virtual