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Toucan Tempos Tempo Terminology Game - Printable

Similar in style to a “chutes and ladders” game, students will navigate their toucan through the jungle - choosing which way to go learning about tempo marking names and speeds. 

Specialty tempo cards help them get the exact number of moves needed to be the first one to reach the toucan nest nestled up in a tree!

A look inside Toucan Tempos Tempo Terminology Game:

Here’s what you’ll get with the Toucan Tempos printable download:
  • Toucan Tempos game in 2 sizes: US letter & A4
  • Toucan Tempos game board
  • 32 tempo cards
  • 26 standard tempo cards
  • 6 tempo change cards
  • 8 caribou tokens
  • Toucan Tempos success poster
  • Print release
  • How to Play tutorial video
You will get the digital file to print and laminate (optional) for your music studio in both letter size (US) and A4 size (international).

How to Play Toucan Tempos Tempo Terminology Game

  1. Shuffle all tempo cards together and lay them face-down in a pile next to the game board.
  2. Each player chooses a toucan token and places it on the Start position.
  3. Player 1 draws a card from the top of the tempo card deck and moves the given number of spaces forward along the path. Slow tempo=1 space, moderate tempo=2 spaces, and fast tempo=3 spaces. Once they have moved, the player places their tempo card face up in the discard pile. Their turn is now over and play continues around the group.
  4. The tempo change cards (rit., allarg., rall., accel., string., and più mosso) allow the player to modify a regular tempo card. Terms that indicate an increase in tempo allow for a +1 to any tempo card, while terms that indicate a decrease in tempo allow for a -1 to any tempo card. If a player draws a tempo change card, they do not move. Instead, they hold on to the card and their turn ends. In any future turn, the player possessing a tempo change card may decide to use it and at that point will put the card in the discard pile. (Ex: A player who holds a +1 accel. card draws a Largo card worth 1 space, but plays their change card so that they move 2 spaces forward). Players can hold multiple change cards and are allowed to use multiple cards at once.
  5. If a player lands on a space with an arrow pathway, they must follow the path and place their toucan on the space where the arrows end. The pathways can be helpful or harmful.
  6. Whoever reaches the toucan nest first is the winner! Players must land exactly on the nest to finish. Ex: If a player is 1 move away from the end and draws and Allegro (Move 3) on their turn, they must remain where they are and wait until they draw a Move 1 tempo card on a subsequent turn. Tempo change cards are helpful in this case and may be used to modify a tempo card to successfully finish.
    • When a player draws a tempo change card, they continue drawing until they get a regular tempo card. At this point, they add their card moves together and advance the given number of spaces. All drawn cards then go immediately into the discard pile - no holding on to change cards for future use. In this version, it is possible to move 0 spaces (or even negative, though it is very unlikely) in a given turn.

Music Game Club members will also get:

  • Toucan Tempos activity sheets in 2 sizes: US Letter & A4
  • A3 & Poster-sized game boards
  • Tutorial videos with bonus gameplay ideas
Membership is only open twice a year. Check out our membership page here for more details.

Why Your Students Will Love This: Students will love navigating through the jungle with their toucan while learning about tempos from grave to prestissimo!

Pages: 18

Theory Concepts: Tempo Marking Names, Tempo Marking Definitions, BPM (Beats Per Minute), Aural Skills

Product Type: simple, downloadable, virtual

  • Product description

    A look inside Toucan Tempos Tempo Terminology Game:

    Here’s what you’ll get with the Toucan Tempos printable download:
    • Toucan Tempos game in 2 sizes: US letter & A4
    • Toucan Tempos game board
    • 32 tempo cards
    • 26 standard tempo cards
    • 6 tempo change cards
    • 8 caribou tokens
    • Toucan Tempos success poster
    • Print release
    • How to Play tutorial video
    You will get the digital file to print and laminate (optional) for your music studio in both letter size (US) and A4 size (international).
  • How to play

    How to Play Toucan Tempos Tempo Terminology Game

    1. Shuffle all tempo cards together and lay them face-down in a pile next to the game board.
    2. Each player chooses a toucan token and places it on the Start position.
    3. Player 1 draws a card from the top of the tempo card deck and moves the given number of spaces forward along the path. Slow tempo=1 space, moderate tempo=2 spaces, and fast tempo=3 spaces. Once they have moved, the player places their tempo card face up in the discard pile. Their turn is now over and play continues around the group.
    4. The tempo change cards (rit., allarg., rall., accel., string., and più mosso) allow the player to modify a regular tempo card. Terms that indicate an increase in tempo allow for a +1 to any tempo card, while terms that indicate a decrease in tempo allow for a -1 to any tempo card. If a player draws a tempo change card, they do not move. Instead, they hold on to the card and their turn ends. In any future turn, the player possessing a tempo change card may decide to use it and at that point will put the card in the discard pile. (Ex: A player who holds a +1 accel. card draws a Largo card worth 1 space, but plays their change card so that they move 2 spaces forward). Players can hold multiple change cards and are allowed to use multiple cards at once.
    5. If a player lands on a space with an arrow pathway, they must follow the path and place their toucan on the space where the arrows end. The pathways can be helpful or harmful.
    6. Whoever reaches the toucan nest first is the winner! Players must land exactly on the nest to finish. Ex: If a player is 1 move away from the end and draws and Allegro (Move 3) on their turn, they must remain where they are and wait until they draw a Move 1 tempo card on a subsequent turn. Tempo change cards are helpful in this case and may be used to modify a tempo card to successfully finish.
      • When a player draws a tempo change card, they continue drawing until they get a regular tempo card. At this point, they add their card moves together and advance the given number of spaces. All drawn cards then go immediately into the discard pile - no holding on to change cards for future use. In this version, it is possible to move 0 spaces (or even negative, though it is very unlikely) in a given turn.
  • Membership info

    Music Game Club members will also get:

    • Toucan Tempos activity sheets in 2 sizes: US Letter & A4
    • A3 & Poster-sized game boards
    • Tutorial videos with bonus gameplay ideas
    Membership is only open twice a year. Check out our membership page here for more details.
  • More details

    Why Your Students Will Love This:

    Students will love navigating through the jungle with their toucan while learning about tempos from grave to prestissimo!

    Pages: 18

    Theory Concepts: Tempo Marking Names, Tempo Marking Definitions, BPM (Beats Per Minute), Aural Skills

    Product Type: simple, downloadable, virtual

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