You will get the digital file to print and laminate (optional) for your music studio in both letter size (US) and A4 size (international).
How to Play Crow Chords Chord Building Game
Each player chooses a crow game token and places it at the start.
Shuffle the cards. Deal each player 3 cards. Discard 1 card face up on game board. Place draw pile on game board.
For each turn:
Players take turns making chords (C major, F major, G major) by stacking the letters from their hand.
Player picks 1 card from the draw or discard piles. If they can create a chord, they must discard it into the discard pile and move their game token forward 1. To end their turn, they draw cards from the draw pile until they have 3 cards in their hand again.
If the player cannot create a chord after drawing 1 card, they must choose 1 card to discard into the discard pile and pass.
If you run out of cards, shuffle discard pile and place in draw stack.
The first crow to the finish wins!
For 5-8 players, print 2 copies of Level 2 cards.
General gameplay is the same as Level 1 except Level 2 players get dealt 5 cards instead of 3.
Level 2 gameplay is customizable. You can focus on specific major chords, minor chords, diminished chords, augmented chords or make it free-for-all where they can create any chord.
Play with Level 1 and Level 2 students together.
Music Game Club members will also get:
Crow Chords activity sheets in 2 sizes: US Letter & A4
A3 & Poster-sized game boards
Bonus: Chord Chart
Tutorial videos with bonus gameplay ideas
Membership is only open twice a year. Check out our membership page here for more details.
Why Your Students Will Love This:
With Crow Chords Chord Building Game, we’ve made it super, duper easy for you to build chords with music students!
Theory Concepts:
Music Alphabet, Major Chords, Minor Chords, Diminished Chords, Augmented Chords, Seventh Chords, Sharp, Flat, Double-Sharp, Double-Flat
Each player chooses a crow game token and places it at the start.
Shuffle the cards. Deal each player 3 cards. Discard 1 card face up on game board. Place draw pile on game board.
For each turn:
Players take turns making chords (C major, F major, G major) by stacking the letters from their hand.
Player picks 1 card from the draw or discard piles. If they can create a chord, they must discard it into the discard pile and move their game token forward 1. To end their turn, they draw cards from the draw pile until they have 3 cards in their hand again.
If the player cannot create a chord after drawing 1 card, they must choose 1 card to discard into the discard pile and pass.
If you run out of cards, shuffle discard pile and place in draw stack.
The first crow to the finish wins!
For 5-8 players, print 2 copies of Level 2 cards.
General gameplay is the same as Level 1 except Level 2 players get dealt 5 cards instead of 3.
Level 2 gameplay is customizable. You can focus on specific major chords, minor chords, diminished chords, augmented chords or make it free-for-all where they can create any chord.
Theory Concepts:
Music Alphabet, Major Chords, Minor Chords, Diminished Chords, Augmented Chords, Seventh Chords, Sharp, Flat, Double-Sharp, Double-Flat